Need to make a handheld shakey "tryn" to focus effect? but don't want the sharp jitters of a real handheld? Shoot your actor or artist with your cam on a tripod. Bring it into after effects and use Shaker to give some life to your footage. I made it with the intention of using it o music videos, which is what i will be working on, however after playing around with it i discoverde that its useful for a dreamy confused feel if you duplicate the footage and ofset it 5-10 pixels off, so IDK it's useful for many other things experiment with it, im sure you guys will finde it useful for other things. And its all free, just give me or this blog a small bit of credit, we appreciate it.
About me: Im a local LA music producer, mixer and sound engineer, graphic designer both in art and commercial applications, Filmmaker, visual effects artist, digital composer, motionographer, photographer and cinematographer, director, screenwriter. I have a background in Art and digital media as well as science, phiosophy and math. Im an avid boxer and i Love art music and movies.
Aight so thats me expect more post to come.
Download Shaker: